everything about DIRE L'AMOUR

LET'S TALK ABOUT DIRE L'AMOUR If you love poetry, I am pretty sure you are going to love Dire l'amour . It's a compilation of love poems—French poems, to be specific. If you are learning French or are interested in French literature and culture, you should read it because it features a mix of poems from mostly famous poets, and honestly, they're some of the best. So, if you want to impress others with your knowledge of French, I highly recommend reading it. A LITTLE BIT OF CONTEXT ABOUT DIRE L'AMOUR The book is a collection of 39 poems, ranging from antiquity to modern times. There are questions at the end to help you better understand the poems, as well as paintings related to the poems, and more insights about poetry and its history. WHAT TO READ IF YOU LIKED READING DIRE L'AMOUR I must admit, I don't read a lot of poetry, but I would recommend Les Cahiers de Douai by Arthur Rimbaud, a French poet. You could also read Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur, a f...