everything about ANNE FRANK JOURNAL

LET'S TALK ABOUT ANNE FRANK JOURNAL This was probably one of the most disturbing novels I have read. Knowing that it is not fictional makes it even more perturbing. We do not only witness the terror of living in constant fear during a time that denies your existence, but we also delve into the intimacy of a teenager in hiding, which is quite humbling and makes us realize how privileged we are. I would one hundred percent recommend it to anyone, but with a strong heads up because many parts of the book are disturbing. A LITTLE BIT OF CONTEXT ABOUT THE ANNE FRANK JOURNAL During the Second World War (1942), in the Netherlands, Anne Frank, a 13-year-old Jewish girl, hides. She will be discovered two years later, sent to Auschwitz, and she will die there. Otto, her father, is deeply impressed by the journal he finds after her deportation. In honor of his brave daughter, who once dreamt of becoming a journalist or a famous writer, he then publishes it. The journal has been translated int...