
Showing posts from June, 2024

everything about ANNE FRANK JOURNAL

LET'S TALK ABOUT ANNE FRANK JOURNAL This was probably one of the most disturbing novel I have read. Knowing that it not fictional makes it enven more perturbing. We do not only witness the terror of living (terré ) and frighten during a time that (renie) your existence but we also (rentr dans l'intimité) of a tennager in (date) wich is pretty humbling and makes us realize how lucky priviliged we are. I would one hundred percent recommend it for anybody but with a strong heads up because a lot of parts of the book are disturbing. A LITTLE BIT OF CONTEXT ABOUT THE ANNE FRANK JOURNAL During the second world war(1942), in the Netherlands, Anne Frank a 13 years old jew hides. She will be discoverded 2 years after and send to Auschwitz and she will die there. Otto, her father is really impressed by the journal that he finds after her (deportation). In honnor of his brave daughter that once dreamt of becoming a journalist or a famour writer, he then publishes it. The journal was trans

Everything about THE ACE OF HEARTS

LET'S TALK ABOUT "THE ACE OF HEARTS" In my opinion, the romance novel "The Ace of Hearts" is a must-read for the summer. It's a nice book with spicy parts, cliffhangers, and a great atmosphere—perfect for reading while tanning on a beach or comfortably resting in bed. I personally love the way the writer, [name], describes the relationship between Levi, a mafia poker player with terrible secrets, and Rose, the funny and charismatic genius with her own obsessions. I also love the setting: Las Vegas, where the most talented and dangerous poker players reunite to compete in the International Poker Cup. A LITTLE CONTEXT ABOUT THE ACE OF HEARTS "The Ace of Hearts" is a romance novel written by the French author Morgane Moncomble. She has written about ten romances, including "A Fall to Forgive" and "A Spring to Forgive." "The Ace of Hearts" was released quite recently, on September 2, 2021. She has sold over a million books

Everything about MADAME BOVARY

 LET'S TALK ABOUT MADME BOVARY I have to admit that I didn't read that novel because it was on my shelf, but rather because my 8th-grade teacher made us read it. And I must say, I quite liked it, to be honest. I personally loved the way the life of Emma Bovary was deeply analyzed and depicted. It was really interesting to read about her life, which is probably comparable to that of many middle-class French women of the 19th century. The long descriptions are particular yet impressive, and that is one of the strengths of "Madame Bovary". A LITTLE CONTEXT ABOUT "MADAME BOVARY" "Madame Bovary" was written in 1857 by Gustave Flaubert, a French novelist. It was first published as a serial serialized novel, but after a few installments, the printer decided to stop printing it because he considered the book immoral, particularly regarding religious matters. Flaubert was even sued because of the message it conveyed and the society it depicted. WHAT TO READ